Saturday, November 30, 2024

Preparing our hearts to share Wonderful Word of God .


*In the late 1920s, a Presbyterian God's servant named Robert S. Burris, set out across a section of China, and he carried 2,000 New Testaments in his luggage. Along the way he was surrounded by bandits who demanded his money. When they found he had only eighty cents in cash they threatened to behead him, but instead they took his luggage including all his copies of the Scripture. That night as Burris settled down and tried to sleep, he claimed Isaiah 55:11 regarding his loss, that God’s Word would not return empty but would accomplish what God desired and achieve the purpose for which He sent it.

Twenty-five years later, Burris was serving as pastor of a church in Canton, Ohio. He met a traveling God's servantwho had later worked in the same area of China, and the man showed slides of a church of 400 members where no Christian worker had ever been. How the church came into existence was a mystery. It’s also strange that every member of the church had a copy of the New Testament. The God's servant admitted that no one knew where the Scriptures had come from. But Mr. Burris knew!

God’s wisdom and power are undiminished, and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to His power that is at work within us.
