Thursday, December 15, 2022

 Neenu counted her coins which she had collected for a long time. 

“Oh there is thousand rupees!”     Christmas is approaching. “I must buy a pretty dress.”

There is a cage of birds on the way to her school. In her language “Papa, mama and 2 little birds”.

Neenu is in good friendship with these birds.But today these two little birds are crying a lot. 

What happened? The little birds answered her that a bird-merchant has taken their father and mother.

Neenu was shocked. She ran to the shop which was in the town.

“Hey, they are there in that cage!”

“What do you want?” Growled the merchant.

“I need these two birds…” Neenu answered.

“It would cost you Rs 1000.”

“I will give you.” Saying this she ran home.

This poor girl who had collected money to buy a dress for Christmas, gave all that she had to the merchant.

Everywhere there was the sound of the festival.People were rushing to buy gifts.

Neenu walked back carefully holding the birds she has purchased.

“Here are your papa and mama.” “Happy Christmas”

All of them were in tears.

Neenu’s heart was filled with joy… One drop of tear of joy fell from her eyes onto the floor. 

There was a star twinkling in the sky…

In her heart too…

**Now someone’s name may be coming into your mind.

An orphan, a widow, an alien…

Let the sound of God be trumpeted… Let this year’s Christmas, and the new year be fruitful…

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40