Friday, February 4, 2022

For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

There’s a village in North India which is home to labourers who work as saree weavers. Typically, from an elevated place in a small house, the father of the house will be seated, and he will give guidance and instructions to the weavers.

His son is seated on the other side of the loom. Both their eyes are firmly fixed on the threads that move on the loom, in an orderly fashion. The father would run the threads on the loom and then look at his son. The son knows that the look meant that he should obey and operate the loom in the manner that the father wants him to.

This process kept continuing – for hours, days and weeks! Tak … tak … tak.. the sound rises persistently. The son becomes tired, his hands and legs begin to ache. He has just one responsibility … move the loom according to the directions given by the father with his eyes.

However, the father is eager and enthusiastic, because in his mind is a wonderful design to be weaved. When the threads continue to move in the same rhythm, at the end of the process, a beautiful saree takes shape. Every minute the design is nearing perfect completion. 

The dull and monotonous days pass by. We are left to face unexpected things. Life seems mechanical. What will be the end? Like the weaver’s son, we also sometimes fret and worry!

If an ordinary weaver is able to weave a marvellous design with a few different threads, how much more marvellous will be the design, which our Lord and Master, the Creator and Designer of the whole universe weaves with the threads of our lives. Believe in Him, trust Him, fix your eyes upon His eyes alone. May all the moves and movements in our lives be according to the will of the Father! The saree woven in small house will eventually become the bridal garment, meant to adorn the bride on the day of her marriage!

In eternity, every child of God who is part of the church that is the bride of Christ can say these words to Jesus, ‘’My Lord, You are great! How great and beautiful is your design about me my Lord! Thank You! Thank You for everything!!’’

Selected.... Grand weaver


  1. Yes oh Lord thank you for everything

  2. Thank God for your pattern...

  3. Amen Lord Jesus Christ you are Almighty God.

  4. Hallelujah..yes lord thank you. Thank you for everything

  5. Praise God, for your wisdom surpasses all human intelligence and knowledge.
