Wednesday, December 16, 2020


In his story titled ‘The Gift of the Magi’, O Henry presents the heart-warming story of Jim and Della. 

Jim and Della, a poor husband and wife, wished to buy a gift for each other on their first Christmas together. But they did not have the money to buy it. Della sat at home and thought and thought of a way to gain some money to buy a present for her beloved husband. Finally,she decided that she would go to the hairdresser in town and cut and sell her long beautiful golden hair. At the same time, Jim sat in his office deep in thoughts about how to buy a present for his beloved wife. As he could not find any other way, he thought he would sell the beautiful wristwatch that was his family inheritance, a possession handed down from generation to generation.

When he reached home in the evening, Jim saw Della and was shocked. She ran to him and said, ‘Jim please forgive me. I did not have any other way of getting a Christmas gift for you’. ’And what gift have  you brought for me?’ He handed over to her a beauty kit which included the combs for her long, beautiful hair. Della told her husband, ‘Quick show me your watch, the silver strap I have bought will go well with it’. Jim replied that he had sold that watch to buy the combs for Della. 

We might think that it was unwise of them to sell the precious to buy a little gift. 

That is how love is; true love involves sacrificing the precious and the dearest.

That’s what the Magi did. The three kings who came to see Jesus travelled a long distance to bring costly gifts for Jesus and to worship Him.

Similarly, because God loves us, He gave the costliest gift for us – His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. John 3:16

Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can claim for ourselves this free gift. We too can become inheritors of  the eternal life that is promised to all who believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you.


  1. Thank you LORD JESUS for best gift of my life....

  2. Thank you Lord for your wonderful gift ofbegotten son

  3. John 3:16 and coincidently or by Divine guidance 1 John 3:16 speaks of Father's and the Son's sacrificial love towards us. Praise God

  4. John 3:16 and coincidently or by Divine guidance 1 John 3:16 speaks of Father's and the Son's sacrificial love towards us. Praise God

  5. Thank you lord For everything.....Praise Hallelujah.....Amen

  6. Thank you lord For everything.....Praise Hallelujah.....Amen

  7. Amen... Thank You Abba for his precious gifts Son Jesus..

  8. Thank God for the precious Gift You gave Us

  9. Thank You God That for My Sins u give your only one Begotten Son
    Praise the lord Jesus.....You r our awesome God
