Tuesday, December 1, 2020


The first chapter of the book titled “Talking with God” by the blessed Christian writer François Fénelon, had a great impact on my life. Let me capture it here in a simple manner. 

You must share with God in prayer, whatever thoughts that are coming into mind. If you desire to enjoy the presence of God or if you want to love Him, tell him just that. Share all your joys with Him. 

If you thus, pour out your heart before the Lord, then the time you spend before God would quickly be over. This is because, what you must do is to tell the heavenly Father all that you have in your heart without a veil, as a small child would do.

Then you might ask me, “What am I to do when i am going through spiritual dryness and physical weaknesses, and trials?” You tell all that is within your heart as it is.

If it were that you don’t feel any love towards Him and all things were like a big emptiness and His presence not moving you, and feeling so bored with the life, then tell those also, to the Lord in prayer.

Confess all sins to God. Don’t hide anything. 

Many ask, “What is there to speak much with God?”

Your illnesses, trials, anxieties, your difficulties which you cannot share with others; all these you share with Lord Jesus.

Tell him, “My dear God, please see my thanklessness and my faithlessness ,I open my heart and lay it bare before You.”

“Instil a hatred in me for the lusts of the world; keep me close, under your yoke, O Lord. Have mercy on me.”

If you thus start to speak with the Lord at all times about the mercies of the Lord, or about your situation, the time you spent in the presence of the Lord would be meaningful.

Even though you are going through any of the situations which I have described above, don’t hesitate to tell Jesus about all that is in your heart. It should be done with the simplicity and rest which a small child enjoys, sitting on the lap of his mother…

Don’t postpone this to a later time; Your God is residing in you more truly than the phone that is in your hand. Jesus is with you. Start pouring out your heart before the Lord. He knows all things. All of them…Let your moments from now on, be only with the Lord…

Courtesy. .Talking with God..Francois Fenelon


  1. YeS! Yes! Yes! Amen praise God. Praise Son and praise Holyspirit.. Lord my everything

  2. Yes lord, help me to pray more, Hallelujah

  3. Heb 4:14-16
    "Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
