Saturday, December 4, 2021

But one thing is needful.... Luke 10:42 (a)

*Dear Savior at whose feet I now sit, When you knock on the door to my heart, what is it you are looking for? What is it you want? Is it not to come in to dine with me and I with you? Is it not for fellowship? And yet, so often, where do you find me? At your feet?No. In the kitchen. How many times have I become distracted and left you there . . . sitting . . . waiting . . . longing?

What is so important about my kitchen full of preparations that draws me away from you? How can they seem so trivial now and yet so urgent when I’m caught up in them? Forgive me for being so much distracted by my preparations and so little attracted by your presence. For being so diligent in my service and so negligent in my devotion. For being so quick to my feet and so slow to yours. Help me to understand that it is an intimate moment you seek from me, not an elaborate meal.

Guard my heart this day from the many distractions that vie for my attention. And help me to fix my eyes on you. Not on my rank in the kingdom,as did the disciples. Not on the finer points of theology, as did the scribes. Not on the sins of others, as did the Pharisees. Not on a place of worship, as did the woman at the well. Not on the budget, as did Judas. But on you. Bring me out of the kitchen, Lord. Bid me come to your feet. And there may I thrill to sit and adore Thee. .

Ken Gire..Moments with Saviour


  1. Yes Amen.. Thank you Jesus. And Guard our heart let lead by your Spirit.

  2. Yes Oh Lord help me to fix my eyes only on you...

  3. Amen praise the almighty Lord ,Lord help me to fix my eyes upon you in all the times...

  4. Yes bid me to come to your feet Lord!

  5. Psalms 27:4
    One thing have I asked of the LORD,
    that will I seek after:
    that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
    to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
    and to inquire in his temple.

  6. Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all vigilance,
    for from it flow the springs of life.
