Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Robert Ingersoll was a famous agnostic, and he was one of the most intimate friends that Lew Wallace had. He once said to Lew, he said, "Lew, see here, you're a learned man and a thinker. Why don't you get some material together, and write a book to prove that Christianity is not true? Such a book," he said, "Lew, would make you famous. It would be a masterpiece . The thought made a deep impression on Lew Wallace, and he decided to do it. He writes that he began to collect material in libraries here and in the old world.

He said, "I gathered everything over that period in which Jesus Christ, should have lived. Several years were spent in this work. I had written nearly four chapters when," he said, "it became clear to me that Jesus Christ really lived here. Then conviction became a certainty. I knew that Jesus Christ had lived because of the facts I found in the secular writings of the period in which he lived. I had begun to write a book to prove that Jesus Christ had never lived on earth.

Lew Wallace asked himself, if He was a real person, was He then not also the Son of God and the Savior of the world? And he said, "Gradually, the consciousness grew that since Jesus Christ was a real, historic person, He was the person that He claimed to be". And he said, "I fell on my knees to pray for the first time in my life, and I asked God to reveal Himself to me, to forgive my sins, and to help me become a follower of Christ. Towards the morning, the light broke into my soul, and I went into my bedroom and woke up my wife, and told her that I had just received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior".

Lew Wallace did write a very famous book. Some have called it the most influential Christian book of the 19th century. It was a masterpiece, and the crowning glory of his life's work. He changed the book he was originally writing, and used all of his research to write another book.
The book was called "Ben Hur: The Tale of the Christ!!!

The book Lew wallace wrote became a blessing to many. And "Benhur" movie was made based on the book he wrote.....
Glory to God!!

The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.
John 1: 9
