Wednesday, December 22, 2021


*It was December 17, 1903, and the place was Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Orville and Wilbur had just made history for keeping their flying invention in the air for a total of 59 seconds. Elated, they rushed to the telegraph office and wired their sister in Dayton, Ohio, and here was the telegram: "First sustained flight today for 59 seconds. Hope to be home by Christmas". Their sister was thrilled and she hurried down to the local newspaper with great news and the telegram and, sure enough, the next day, there was an article about the Wright Brothers in the, "Dayton Daily News". The headline read: "Local bicycle merchants to be home for Christmas".

And not one single thing was mentioned about the first airplane flight.

"Isn't that like Christmas? We give all the details and we forget the wonder, the most important message of all...

Let us remember Jesus and His love in the midst of all programs and busy schedules of Christmas season.
