Friday, January 12, 2024


*"At the end of 1961, a young exchange student studying at the Bible College of Wales in Swansea, was on his way home, when he decided to take an unguided sightseeing tour of London.

As he walked, he came across a house with a nameplate on the front that said “George Jeffreys”. He wondered if it could be the “great George Jeffreys who had founded the Elim Pentecostal churches in Ireland and England” and whom he had read so much about.”

This is how he tells the rest of the story:

“There I rang the bell. A lady opened the door. ‘Pardon my intrusion, ma’am. Does George Jeffreys live here who was the famous firebrand evangelist I have heard so much about?’ ‘Yes, he does’.
‘May I see him?’
‘No. Under no circumstances.’
She had hardly said no when I heard a deep voice from within the house say, ‘Let the young man come in.’

…I stepped forward, took his hand and introduced myself. I told him I had a call of God on my life to be an evangelist and to preach the gospel in Africa. That I had been to college in Swansea (Bible College in Wales) and was now returning to Germany.
What happened next was extraordinary. All of a sudden, he took me by my shoulders and fell to his knees, pulling me to the floor with him. He placed his hands on my head and began to bless me as a father blesses a son, as Abraham blessed Isaac, who blessed Jacob, and on and on.

The room seemed to light up with the glory of God as he poured out his prayer over me. I do not remember the words with which he blessed me, but I do remember their effect. My body felt electrified, tingling with divine energy.
After about half an hour he finished. I stood up and helped him to his feet. He seemed very frail. We said goodbye. The lady came and escorted me away. He could hardly stand. Nor could I, for different reasons.” That young man went on to become one of the greatest  evangelists of his generation.

His name was Reinhard Bonnke. (when he got off the train in Germany, Bonnke was told by his dad that G.Jeffreys had just died).

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth... Acts 1:8



  1. Hallelujah! Amen! Oh dear God our Lord, please bless and anoint us. So, we may go and harvest souls for your kingdom.

  2. Amen.... LORD let your Holy Spirit fill us with Your power, love and joy

  3. Amen,let us pray for Holy spirit anointing,Praise the Lord
