Wednesday, December 5, 2018

O my beloved, I have laid up for you, new as well as old.. Song of Songs7:13

The life of George Herbert, the musician was not fruitful by human standards. At the age of 39 he left the world for being with the Lord whom he loved, as he served in 2 churches. The size of his congregation was less than 100.

As his days of departure drew near, he handed a small diary to his friend Ferrer and said, “This may be useful to someone.” It was a collection of 167 songs. These songs gave spiritual strength to thousands.
The small things which we do in our lives might be beneficial to many.
The question which our Lord might be asking always is: “What do you have in your hand?” Mark 6:38

Prayer: Lord, help me to transact with the talent which you have given me. Let my goal always be the glory of your name. Amen.

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