Sunday, December 16, 2018

..I ate my honeycomb with my honey; I drank my wine with my milk. Song of Songs 5:1

It was the time when Hitler was persecuting thousands in Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany. Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsy were arrested for helping the Jews. They suffered atrociously along with other women in the camp.

After some time, some of them became weak due to high fever. Betsy also became weak. The bottle of vitamin K which was with them had just few drops remaining. This was the medicine which gave them much strength.
Betsy who loved God and others, told her sister Corrie; “you give this vitamin to all those are weak”. But this was strange to Corrie Ten Boom. She said to herself; ”I know the incident of the widow of Zarephath, centuries before. But will that happen now?”
However, she administered drops of vitamin from that bottle to all. It continued for many days! She wanted to know from where it came and for that reason she carefully examined that brown bottle. But amazingly every day God was working miraculously. The weak started getting strengthened.
Then one day, a guard who felt compassion on them started giving them medicines in secret. Corrie thought in her heart, “I will administer the new medicine after the one with me is completely exhausted.” But that day she could get not even a drop from that bottle!
The God of Elijah is still working. The Word of God is promising the daily bread. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes forth from the mouth of God”. Matthew 4:4

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Today give us the bread we need. Satisfy us with the Manna which is Your Word. In the name of Jesus Himself. Amen.

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