Monday, July 19, 2021

When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.”
Mark 5: 27‭-‬28
*We don’t know her name, but we know her situation. she was sick, desperate and tired. She was a bruised reed.
She spent all the money she had for her treatment. But no one could heal her.

And she heard of another physician who charges no fee! A physician who asks nothing in return. Moreover, she came to know that this Jesus came, not for the healthy, but to heal the sick and help the poor.

By the time she gets to Jesus, He is surrounded by people. He is on the way to help the daughter of Jairus, a known person in the society.

By faith she moved forward and touched His clothes. She was healed completely...

Where men failed, Christ succeeded...

But the glorious moment came, when she saw the face of Jesus…(coming face to face with Son of God). What a glorious time in her life!
All the sufferings of past 12 years vanished in a second...and the Great Physician calls her " daughter"

Are you a bruised reed? A smoldering wick?
lonely? sick? depressed....
you have good news...

A bruised reed He will not break, and a smouldering wick, He will not snuff out. 
Isaiah 42: 3 

Don’t wait for tomorrow... Just come to Jesus....Touch Him

**(Excerpt..max lucado,ken gire)


  1. Thank you Lord for your loving touch.....

  2. Amen.. I believe... Thank you Jesus.

  3. Best physician ever known the only redeemer who can save us from not only death but gurantees everlasting eternal life what a glorious person All glory to him for choosing us to be His

  4. Lord, I come to you today, of years of entanglement of sin of a vicious cycle. No one else can help me but you alone O God. But I believe your word today. For whom Jesus sets free will be free indeed. Lord, I pray increase my faith today for I know I can only live by faith, even when I was faithless you had be so faithful and never let go. Thank-you Lord Jesus.

  5. It is great glorious relation with us that Almighty called us as my son and daughter .
    Praise almighty Jesus

  6. Faith exemplified..... Lord, let my faith in you be multiplied manifold.

  7. John 20:29 Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
    We are so blessed..... Thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace...

  8. What more does one want after seeing Jesus!
