Saturday, August 7, 2021


On 7 June 1979 Napalm bombs were showered on Vietnam.

A 9-year-old girl named Kim Phuk who had taken refuge in a Buddhist centre ran out in to the road screaming, because her body was half scorched by burns from the bombing. Her two relatives were killed, and her clothes were all burnt and charred. 

The photograph of Kim crying aloud and running through that street called No.1, was published throughout the world. Nick Ut, the photographer who captured the image that forced America to end the bombing, took the girl to a hospital where she had to undergo 16 surgeries in 14 months. How dreadful is the story of this little girl called, Kim!! 

After she was healed, Kim wanted to become a doctor and provide care and comfort for the many who were burnt or wounded in the war. But she was disappointed because the government rejected her good intention. So disappointed was she, that she even contemplated putting an end to her life. Hoping to find some comfort in religion, in 1982, she visited a library and began to read the various religious books there. Among them she came across a New Testament in Vietnamese. Reading through the gospel accounts she came across Jesus Christ who was crucified as the despised and rejected one. She then went on to attend a Christmas programme and came to know about Jesus, the Prince of peace. She believed in Jesus and accepted Him as her own Saviour and Lord. Thus, she received peace and joy from the Lord!

Thus, the girl who came to be known as the Napalm girl, encountered Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. Later she got married and she now lives in Canada with her husband and two children. 

In due time her life and activities became a blessing to many! She was selected as the Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO. She also founded the Kim Foundation which serves the scarred and wounded in war, and many such suffering men, women and children.

Today Kim says, “My faith in Jesus has enabled me to forgive those who have hurt and scarred me. It has enabled me to pray for my enemies rather than curse them. And it has enabled me not just to tolerate them but truly to love them. Today, I thank God for that picture. Today, I thank God for everything—even for that road.  Especially for that road.” 

That’s right! There is only one answer for all questions in life … Jesus Christ!

‘Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.’ 2 Thessalonians 3:16


  1. Praise GOD... Thank you for your love Lord

  2. Our hope is only Jesus.. Thank you Jesus

  3. Thank You lord Jesus for Being with me in all the time and thank You for Everything....I Will praise You end of my life......Amen
