Sunday, August 29, 2021


As she was boarding a flight, Ogilvie, a famous writer noticed a young boy as well, boarding the same flight with remarkable calmness and confidence. He walked up the aisle and occupied the seat beside Ogilvie. As the plane soared high, he took out a drawing kit and began drawing pictures. He did not care about the other passengers, nor about anything else in the plane. On several occasions, the plane was caught in air pockets which caused severe turbulences which shook the other passengers. They were in panic and fear! But the little boy was calm and peaceful. 

When the flight settled back to normal, Ogilvie asked the young boy, “Child, are you not afraid?” And he replied, “No, Madam, my dad is the pilot”! It is amazing that this boy felt safe and secure in the flight only because he knew that the one who is handling the flight is his experienced and able father! He completely trusted his father’s ability to pilot the plane safely.

In these days when fear and anxiety are ever increasing, how many of us can fully believe that our heavenly Father is strong and able to carry us and sustain us? The pilot of our life is our beloved and able heavenly Father!! 

The Eternal God is our refuge; and underneath are the everlasting arms! Deuteronomy 33:27



  1. Hallelujah
    Psalms 46:1-3
    "God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present help in trouble.
    Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,though its waters roar and foam,though the mountains tremble at its swelling."

  2. Yes Amen I do believe and faith still he move the stone.

  3. Almighty God is my strength and refuge.
