Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Carinette, who is among the 57 orphans in an orphanage in Haiti, was very happy that day. What could have made this 7-year-old child so different? The children in the orphanage eat the same rice and beans, follow the same schedule and play the same games in the same playground. But what’s the secret of the joy Carinette alone enjoyed? If asked, she would say, “It is my hope and expectation that from a distant land two people will come to take me home; my dad and mom who have adopted me as their own daughter … they know my name, my likes and dislikes, joys and sorrows … they know everything. And also, they have prepared a very large room for me in their home, and they have framed and hung my picture on the walls of that room. Everybody in that house know me very well. Do you know how much my daddy loves me?? He has spent a huge amount to complete all arrangements to take me home. Without being asked Carinette opened her bag and showed a photograph. “See, this is my daddy, and this is my house …” She kept talking endlessly.

As she was talking, in a distant land, many people were making the arrangements to receive the new heir to the house. As she recounted all these, Carinette’s eyes were fixed on the gates of this children’s home alone. Is it my daddy who is at the gate now?

The One who knows us, the One who paid the ransom and redeemed us, the Lord who is preparing a house for us, He is coming soon! In this world filled with cares and worries, what makes us different like Carinette, is the blessed hope. 

May the Hero of all history talk personally to you. May you find in Jesus the answer to the deepest needs of your life. May you remember your highest privilege: you are known by God and cherished by heaven. Keep an eye on the front gate. Your Father will show up to take you home before you know it

“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if that were not so, I would have told you, because I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will take you to Myself, so that where I am, there you also will be. John 14:1-3

There are not many days left 

For Jesus the Christ to return,

To give us the reward,

And for our afflictions to end?

He who has prepared many mansions for us

Will come in the clouds to meet us in mid-air

With His angels….

Courtesy: Max Lucado