Thursday, February 17, 2022

For who has despised the day of small things? Zechariah 4:10

Centuries ago, in a country(region) named Silesia, God's people gave much importance for small fellowships. Small groups of size lesser than ten came together and with singing, they praised God. They experienced the joy of the Kingdom of God by sharing the Word mutually and by encouraging each other. 

Some years later when the Catholic government came to rule, all the church halls of God were closed down, just within a night.

In some houses the children of God gathered together and worshipped the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. In the year 1718 God sent a revival into these 
fellowships. God’s hand worked among the places near the riversides of Oder.

In a school there, children gathered together in their break times with singing and prayer. At that time, their parents glorified God in front of the school 
in tears and holding each other’s hands.

These families had to flee from there due to the crisis and persecutions in this country. Don’t you want to know where they escaped to?
They ended up at the estate of Count Zinzendorf.!! 

It was August 13 of the year 1727… 

There was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

The Moravian Missionary group!!

100 years of prayers!!!

This was the group which God used to spread the love of God to all the parts of the world.

Express your decision to God, you who read this article.

God needs a small step!!