Friday, August 26, 2022

Be thankful. Col 3:15


 One of the greatest problems we face today in the world is human trafficking. Mexico is infamous for this. The inner wounds of such a human trafficked person is very deep. The heart of such a person will be full of hatred, revenge, hopelessness and bitterness. Some become sick because of mental trauma. Those terrible memories will continue to haunt them even after several years. What a pitiful state!

Joseph was a person who was subjected to a human trafficking where he was sold as a slave. This was by the hands of his own brothers!! He lost everything. Subsequently he had to suffer several years of imprisonment for a crime which he hadn’t committed. Those who promised to help him remembered him not.

Years went by. Now, right before his eyes are those brothers who had sold him off as a slave…

He can take anything our from his stash(store) of memories. He could take revenge… However, Joseph brought out the file of thankfulness from the heart’s stash and thanked God.

 Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt!  And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. Genesis 45:4,5

Joseph who was filled with gratitude towards God and towards others, cried bitterly like a child… He longed to see his father.

We have so many files in the stash of memories.

You know that very well.

At this time, close all those files. Open the file of gratitude towards God and men and say to the Lord… Thank you Lord…

Only thankfulness!

To God…

And to all…

@@(Through the grills of a  prison window two men looked out; one saw the dust of the ground, while the other saw the stars of the sky…quote)


come before You today

And there's just one thing that I want to say

Thank you, LordThank you, Lord
For all You've given to meFor all the blessings that I cannot seeThank you, LordThank you, Lord
With a grateful heartWith a song of praiseWith an outstretched armI will bless Your name
Thank you, LordI just wanna thank you, LordThank you, LordI just wanna thank you, LordThank you, Lord
For all You've done in my lifeYou took my darkness and gave me Your lightThank you, LordThank you, Lord
You took my sin and my shameYou took my sickness and healed all my painThank you, LordThank you, Lord