Monday, August 22, 2022

They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us? Luke 24:32


Renowned Christian writer F W Boreham was born and lived in a family of 9 children.

His mother constantly tried to nourish her children in the grace of God.

Once this mother and her 9 children set out in a train to see the famous Canterbury Cathedral in England.

Their relative Kitty had planned to come there at exactly 10AM and explain the history of the famous building, and many other stories to the kids.

However, Kitty did not turn up even after having waited for a long time. Boreham and his siblings came to hear eagerly, stories about the cathedral.

But now…

Suddenly one man over there knew their difficulty. He presented beautifully the history and the stories to the children making them understand them.

Starting with the incidents of the 6th century, wars, he explained even about each pillar in the Cathedral and the kids were diligently listening to them.

"Let us be fast! It’s time for the train to come...

Thank you, sir, so much."

The mother gave a word of heartfelt thanks to the stranger who shared the stores.

The stranger gave his visiting card to mother. She quickly  put the visiting card into her bag. At the correct time the train left. After a long time, the mother remembered…

Kitty didn’t come. If that stranger had not come at that time?…

Oh oh.. I forgot to even ask that gentleman’s name. How beautifully he explained all things to the kids…

Suddenly she remembered about the card.

She took the card he gave, out the bag during the journey and read his name.

Charles Dickens!

The greatest story writer living at that time!

Oh Oh.. I didn’t recognize him.

*** They didn’t recognize Jesus who was explaining everything on their 7 mile walk to Emmaus. It was the all-knowing Son of God who spoke to them as He walked with them.

Jesus who can give answers to all our questions is with us. The shepherd who speaks to us through His word.

However we don’t always recognize that voice.

Let us now tell the Lord.

'Speak, Lord

Thy servant heareth.'


  1. Lord help me not to go unrecognised from Your presence, help me to hear your voice.....

  2. Dear Heavenly Father
    Whilst you awaken me morning by morning and awaken my ear, help me to be diligent while hearing and sensitive in listening to your teaching.
    Help me Lord. Let me not turn backwards or become rebellious.
    (Isaiah 50:5-6)
