Wednesday, September 1, 2021


The next time you feel forsaken and lift up your voice to Almighty God, do this: Go to a private place and spend time reflecting on the incredible truth that the One who hears your prayers has been there too. He knows exactly how you feel. He knows what it means to be forsaken.

And here is the truth you can depend on when you feel forsaken: Jesus hung on the cross, and God turned His back on His Son so that He would never have to turn His back on you. That was the excruciating price He paid because He loves you that much. He loved and died and suffered on this earth so you wouldn’t be forsaken.

The same God who has been there for you in the past is the One who is going to be there for you in the future. He will bring resolution in His own time, according to His own purposes. We often become preoccupied with our circumstances, but God is focused on our character. He is working for our greater good; His purposes are beyond our finite understanding. 

So keep praying. Keep trusting. Keep reaching out to Him even when it seems He has not heard or answered your prayer. Because the truth is that God has not forgotten you, He has always been faithful to you, and your answer is coming.

(Selected...David jeremiah)