Sunday, September 5, 2021


"If we surrender a quarter, a half or three quarters of our burdens to Jesus, then we will have to bear the remainder of the burden. But if we completely surrender everything to the Lord, then the Lord will carry all of our burdens.

If you have hope, you have faith.

If you have faith, you have rest. And we will rest in Him like a weaned child rests in his mother’s lap."

These are the last words of the man of God who was appointed to lead the TPM church. 

How much of burden do we bear these days? Let us submit everything into the hands of our Lord … 

let us surrender ourselves completely to Him. Let us tell the Lord, “Lord, my heart is not proud, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. [Psalm 131: 1-2]

Everything I give to you,

My mind, body and soul,

I surrender myself to You 

To do Your will!

Lord, I come at Your feet

And I give myself completely 

Unto Your hands!