Wednesday, July 6, 2022


A sincere man was working as a Rail-gate operator near a forest. His 9-year-old also would be with him from time to time.

One day it was time for the switch to be turned on for the train to pass by. There comes his son from a very far distance walking on the rail track. There were only two options before him. Either let the train to pass by, or save his own son.

Either it was the life of his son…

Else the lives of the passengers who had filled the train.


The love of the Father who gave His own Son….

The love of the Son Jesus who gave His own life…

We the passengers who experienced the love of the God!!!

(Examples are limited in itself to express the love of God)

If a survey is conducted in heaven, the verse which was the cause of the salvation of maximum number of people…John 3:16

If there’s an option to hang up a verse in the heavenly house, then it would be with John 3:16 that most people would adorn with.

Look at the prayer in the letter of Paul. 

To comprehend with all the saints the love of Christ breadth and length and height and depth…Eph 3:18

The answer is in the gospel according to John.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16

Insufficient are words that describe the love of God

Insufficient is this life to fully express the gratitude 
