Thursday, July 14, 2022


We must be people who are always giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son … Colossians 1: 12,13

It used to be a practice with the kings of the olden days that when they conquer a people, they would take them out of their native land and settle them in a new place. This was done in order to prevent those people from uniting together and fight against the kings who conquered them.

Similarly, we were once the subjects of the kingdom of darkness. The ruler of the kingdom of darkness exercised power over us. 

However, through His death and resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ, not only set us free from the kingdom of darkness, but also relocated us once and for all, into the kingdom of light. He made us worthy to inherit the rights of the saints of the light.

How joyfully should we thank and praise the Father who established us in the kingdom of His beloved Son. 

I will always praise the God who gave me a share in the light that is reserved for His holy ones.


  1. Glory to God, , For His mercy and grace

  2. Thank you Loving Heavenly Father for establishing us into the Heavenly Kingdom.
    Thank you Saviour Jesus Christ for redeeming us and relocating us into the Kingdom of Light.
    Thank you Holy Spirit for constantly reminding us this TRUTH concerning Salvation.
