Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Joe was waiting for a long time in front of his friend Edwards' house. Edward was talking to someone for long time.

" O some intimate friend might be in the house"Joe said to himself.
After some time there was perfect silence.
Joe knocked the door.. Edward opened ..
Come.... He said.

Whom you was talking intimately for a long time?
I was waiting outside. Where is the guest?
Edward replied..  It is my Lord Jesus. I was praying to Him.

Prayer is an intimate talk with Lord Jesus Christ. It is a dialogue.
When we speak God is listening..
When God speaks we are listening..
He answers our prayer..

Let us come out of all religious activity and open our heart and spend time with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
God is our Father.. He hears our prayer.

Are we unsatisfied and hungry.. He is the bread of life 🍞
Are we overwhelmed in darkness.. He is the light of the world.. 💡
Are we aimless and afraid.. He is the Good Shepherd🚶🐏🐏🐏

What a friend we have in Jesus

All our sins and griefs to bear

What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

O what peace we often forfeit

O what needless pain we bear

All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer

Have we trials and temptations?

Is there trouble anywhere?

We should never be discouraged

Take it to the Lord in prayer

Can we find a friend so faithful

Who will all our sorrows share?

Jesus knows our every weakness

Take it to the Lord in prayer


  1. Amen.... Jesus, a close friend who always stick with us 💕❣️💕

  2. Jesus, help us to be in first love and grow from there. Let me come closer to Jesus and lay on His shoulder. In your name I pray Jesus. Amen.

  3. Thank you Lord that we can talk to you anytime, anywhere and all the time. Hallelujah.
