Sunday, May 30, 2021


Is there no balm in Gilead?Is there no physician there?Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people been restored?Jeremiah 8: 22

The verse above come flashing into our mind when we see the pain of the many sick people, around us. Gilead is a place where there is an abundance of medicinal herbs. 

If you take the bark of a tree from Gilead and crush it, the fluid that comes out of it is of great medicinal value, fragrant medicine!! It spreads a rich fragrance around!

In the Book of Genesis, the brothers of Joseph pulled him out of the pit they had thrown him into and sold him to Ishmaelite traders for 20 silver coins. These traders were coming from Gilead with their camels carrying labdanum resin, balsam, and myrrh and going down to Egypt [Genesis 37: 25]. Joseph, who was sold as a slave must have been greatly soothed throughout the journey by the fragrant herbs and myrrh from Gilead.

If the fragrance that flowed out of a crushed tree calmed and comforted Joseph’s shattered heart, Joseph’s life, though marked by many trials, went on to become a source of fragrance and comfort to many. 

Our blessed Lord was crushed and wounded and humiliated and crucified for our sake! But how great is the fragrance that Jesus spreads! Indescribable!! He is the balm of Gilead. The fragrance of His perfume is pleasing, and His name is like perfume poured out.

In these days we might be going through many difficult situations. When Mary broke the alabaster jar, the sweet fragrance filled the entire house. Similarly, we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2: 15.

Let us joyfully proclaim in these days … Jesus is the balm and physician of Gilead …. the Great Physician who can heal all our diseases!

Let us sing wholeheartedly; ‘Your name is like perfume poured out, it spreads its sweet fragrance around the world. So, make me also a sweet fragrance in the midst of the blame, shame, trials and sorrows of my life. And I will bless Your name all my life, my Beloved!!


  1. Yes oh Lord father... Glory to your name

  2. Thank you Jesus... Glory to God

  3. Praise the lord Jesus
    Glory to u lord

  4. Make me too a fragrance among the people of this land. Pour out Your perfumed oil of anointing over my head. Let it flow let it flow from the crown of my head till the toes. Let me be filled....O Lord
