Friday, May 7, 2021


Those who travel long distance through the desert face a number of struggles and difficulties.

The heat of the day is unbearable, the sand under their feet is burning hot, and thoughts about the distance to their destination weaken their heart! Their throat is parched with thirst; the desperate need of the hour is a few drops of water. And they look ahead … and see a lake in the distance. They gather  their strength and walk fast towards the water source. But as they draw close, they realise that it was a mirage, and their hearts are too disappointed. They expect to find an oasis but find a mirage instead and stand dumbfounded! 

We are all such travellers in the wilderness. If we  strive to find joy, peace and rest in this world we will be disappointed for sure. The world will deceive us with many false promises of a comfortable life. Therefore, sorrow, disappointment, worry and anxiety are the pitiable condition of those who see the mirage and lose their hopes. This world cannot give us anything long lasting. The world and all its desires will pass away. Nothing in the world can ever satisfy our thirst for joy and rest and peace. Not only that, but those also who put their trust in the things of the world will find that their thirst keeps ever increasing. The world can never quench our thirst.

What would be the state of a man who has come upon many mirages and have been disappointed many times! The same is the condition of a man who tries to find satisfaction in this world. 

However, let me convey a piece of good news to those who travail in the wilderness. Jesus Christ is the fountain of living water. He told the Samaritan woman: “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never be thirsty; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life.”John 4: 13-14.

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ! Accept Him as the Lord of your heart today! If so you have found the oasis that gives joy, peace, contentment, hope, eternal life, and these things become your everlasting possession as well.

Augustine, a devoted believer in the Lord Jesus Christ once said, “Lord, You created me for Your joy and glory. My soul will remain restless until it finds rest in You”. That is a great reality. 

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires, take the water of life without cost. Revelation 22: 17.

courtesy...Martin llyod jones