Thursday, October 29, 2020


An 8-year-old named Grady in the state of Ohio was affected with a fatal illness (Leukaemia) while studying in school.

For the next one year he couldn’t go to school. He went through a series of painful treatments in the hospital. By the grace of God, he was cured of this illness. Since he longed to see his friends, his doctor permitted him to attend the school for a few hours every day.

Thus, after an interval of one year, when he first went to the school, he was awestruck. He was greeted by the Principal of the school with a bunch of Roses. The students were holding colourful balloons to receive him. The whole the school compound was decorated with coloured papers. As he was led to the auditorium with applause, Grady saw a large banner on which was written ‘Grand Welcome’.

For him, all those pains which he underwent were like nothing. He told his mom, “This is the happiest day in my life.”

A mere welcome by the school could caused all the pains Grady bore, by the illness to be forgotten. His heart was filled with happiness. Tears of joy flowed from his eyes.

Dear friend, remember that moment when the Lord Jesus, leading you holding your hand by tightly, by His nail pierced hands, with the applause of the angels to the heavenly concert, in the city of will forget all the pains you went through in your earthly will see His face....

You will sing:

  You took my sin and my shame

You took my sickness and healed all my pain

Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord

With a grateful heart

With a song of praise

With an outstretched arm

I will bless Your name

For all You've done in my life

You took my darkness and gave me Your light

Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord

Then our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will give you a glorious welcome into His kingdom that will last forever. Ref:  2 Peter 1: 11 

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18