Thursday, September 3, 2020


Corrie Ten Boom was a missionary who was used mightily in the hands of God. Her books and messages have inspired many people. There is a message about prayer which she has written, which is very blessed. A portion from that is captured below.

“A missionary family went off to a distant land to work for certain time. They had put their 3 children under the care of their grandparents, before they left. In olden days when there was no telephonic communication, the only medium of communication was through letters. 

On a very busy day, the missionary and his wife were in the mission office and were engrossed in replying to several letters. Suddenly as he saw very familiar scripts on a letter, he told his wife…’Here’s a letter from our children!’  ‘Open it quickly’. Spoke his wife.  They kept all the official letters aside….

As they opened the cover, 3 papers were stacked inside. ‘Make it fast.’ His wife uttered. The first letter was from their 12 your old child. ‘Daddy, Mummy, we are in good health. We go to school…Sports…house news…

The second child had folded his paper. They carefully opened it… This letter is from their 6-year old. It was full of beautiful pictures... Boat, bird, sky, tree…

The expression on the faces of both changed…

The name of the youngest is Christopher…A 3-year old smart kid… His letter is also placed inside…On a white paper he has scribbled with crayons…The eyes of both of them were full of tears. The wife said.” I want to see the kids now…” They do not know how much time went by. They both kept reading the letters one after another. For it was not an official letter… It was a letter send to their daddy and mummy by their loving children!!”

*“Yesterday, night after you prayed that prayer and went to sleep, Jesus presented that letter before God the Father. The whole night, God the Father, Jesus the Lord and Holy Spirit spoke about the prayer you prayed. When you cried, Jesus was with you. When you believed, the Lord rejoiced. When you doubted, He grieved. God is extremely careful about even the smallest thing in your life. Your prayer may be a long prayer. It may be like a scream, a sigh,…or a beautiful song. However, when it ends with an ‘Amen in Jesus Name’ it becomes meaningful. It is a prayer letter. If you ask the Lord “What do you have to tell me?”, he might respond, by saying “Don’t worry”.  -(Corrie Ten Boom on Prayer.)

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15

Is not Ephraim my dear son, the child in whom I delight? Though I often speak against him, I still remember him. Therefore, my heart yearns for him; I have great compassion for him,” declares the LORD. Jeremiah 31:20.


  1. Our God reigns and he watches us over. Amen

  2. Hallelujah... Thank you for your love Lord father.... Amen

  3. Thank you heavenly Father for your everlasting love and compassion.

  4. Heavenly Father
    Help us to pray according to your WILL only. In Jesus name i pray.

  5. We thank you Lord for your immense and graceful presence in our lives. Praise the Lord

  6. Amen,Thank you LORD hearing our prayers
